The DMCA is a U.S. law that amended copyright law to address the relationship between copyright and the internet. It covers topics such as online service provider protections, anticircumvention, and copyright management information.
聯合國稱:百之八十疾病與水源有關 好水的定義: 為沒有受到污染、餘氯、細菌、重金屬、未經煮沸、該有的礦物質要有 ...
T568A and T568B are the color codes used for wiring eight-position RJ45 modular plugs. Both are allowed under the ANSI/TIA-568.2-D wiring standards. (For additional color codes, see this page.) 1. The T568A wiring pattern is recognized as the preferred wiring pattern for this standard, because it provides。 Ver mais
同“凼”,也写作“凼”。<名>[方]小坑,水坑,水塘 [pool]。特指田地里沤肥的小坑。又如:水氹;屎氹;氹肥[赣方言(赣语)]积水的洼地。例句:你好生,嗰(那)里有一个凼凼子… See more
金庸認為陶朱隱園在風水上有「天斬煞」,不過也稱讚內部寬敞、是科技豪宅。 (翻攝自陶朱隱園網站) 不過金庸認為不能因此就把陶朱隱園「妖名化」,畢竟要是當時訂了,停車位「想怎麼停就怎麼停」,連所在的門牌號。
食傷,在八字命理中,是指日元剋制食神和傷官,食傷代表著表達、才華和創造力。 我生為食傷,表示我的日元旺,食傷弱,我具有強大的表達能力和創造力,但容易受到壓抑。
一年前就看到ptt這篇,說非洲刺李,大豆卵磷值,鋅,這三樣東西,對於前列腺液 跟 射的量 可以大幅增加,刺李 增加 流的水量 跟 射的力道,卵磷值 跟 鋅 增加洨量跟濃度,那時候本來覺得這種東西無稽之談
When this happens, its usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or its been deleted.